Thursday, August 07, 2008

Interesting uses for Alarm Clocks and Interesting Alarm Clocks

Here are some interesting uses of alarm clocks and alarm clocks that do interesting, unusual things or wake people up in unusual, better, ways:

Alarm clock that wakes you up by wind chimes – The Wind Chime Alarm clock combines punctuality with the sound of metal pipes clinking against each other. (source)

Activating a hearing aid – The beauty of poor hearing is you can sleep soundly if you can just depend on your hearing aid turning on at the right time. (source)

Pillow vibrator – An alarm clock that vibrates your pillow to wake you up (source)

Alarm clock to alert students to take breaks – Many schools now use Alarm Clock-type desk accessory to alert students to take a break once or twice an hour. (source)

Alarm clock that hides itself so you have to get up - Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed a roving alarm clock that finds a new hiding spot and waits to go off again when the snooze bar is pressed. (source)

Cure self-mutilating behavior – “Have the victim set a few minute time limit using an alarm clock to delay self injury and note how the intensity of the urge changes.” (source)

Awaken person through light – Oregon Scientific RM313PNA Projection Alarm Clock is an attractive blue atomic clock that beams a fixed projection onto the ceiling of a darkended room. (source)

Headset for sleeping on trains (cancels out noise and wakes you up) – It is an object of the invention to provide a combination noise blocking headset and alarm clock which is capable of blocking out ambient noise of a commuter train or subway in order that a commuter will be able to nap or read without distractions. (source)

'Reverse Alarm Clock' That Keeps Young Children Sleeping (source)

Alarm clock that deduces emotions – Our assignment was to see if we could come up with a concept for an alarm clock that would enable us to deduce a whole range of emotions from the way people use it.' (source) (source) (source) (source)

Remind people to be mindful – A second object is to provide an alarm clock system for facilitating a moment of mindfulness, awareness, stress reduction and quiet at random times during the day. (source)

Alarm clock to get out of bad dates – I myself (please forgive me Lord) have used the alarm-clock mode of my cell-phone to get out of bad dates. (source)

Improve voter turnout – A London-area municipality has launched a new Election Alarm Clock service designed to improve voter registration and turnout. (source) (source) (source)

Replicate sunrise – Philips has developed an alarm clock that replicates a sunrise to wake you up naturally, making you more refreshed when it's time to get up. (source)


Blogger Unknown said...

My hobby is to buy alarm clock and to collect it.

1/15/2016 12:13 AM  
Blogger Office chair said...

Who has been able to sample the various products on this list and can be able to pick out the best one? Best Alarm Clock!

8/28/2019 4:40 AM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...


1/14/2020 3:43 PM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...

是否酒店打工冥冥之中你我注定沒有結果為何還要飛蛾撲火是為情所困是為愛蹉跎酒店工作是傻是對還是錯也許緣分注定你我只能擦肩而過既然如此何必難過酒店公關看花謝花開 看潮起潮落看酒店上班世間悲歡離合往事隨風我隨往事漂泊越逃避就越受折磨舊日如夢我被舊日淹沒 除了酒店應徵回憶還剩什麼。曾經酒店小姐恩恩愛愛 卿卿我我 如今酒店上班孤孤單單 只剩寂寞 什麼緣分已盡想一個人過 難道 這就是你給的承諾酒店經紀曾經 風風雨雨 一起走過 如今孤孤單單淚眼滂沱怎麼 愛的越深 付出就越多既然你要自由 我無話可說是否冥冥之中你我注定沒有結果。我犯过最大的错不是我爱上了坐檯小姐而是我误以为你也爱我 我还在没有结果的结果中寻找结果最后选择了一错再错 我犯过最大的错不是我爱上酒店上班的你 而是我自以为那些幸福都是真的 抱着过期的承诺拼命的飞蛾扑火 你只是路过而我却遵守了承诺。

4/23/2022 9:16 PM  

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