Monday, September 18, 2006

Open Innovation Blueprint: Commandment 9

This continues my on-going blog on mapping out a blueprint for implementing Open Innovation. The first entry in this series talked about the framework I am using to analyze this question, the Ten Commandments of Change Management. Open Innovation is a big change, and therefore requires a change management program. In today's blog, I'll cover the ninth element of the framework:

9. Communicate, involve people, and be honest
The new paradigm of Open Innovation accelerates time to market, however the underlying matchmaking of technologies and markets is still a game of chance. People in your company need to know what kind of results to expect, which is why benchmarking with other companies is such a good idea. For instance, did you know that you typically have to evaluate 100 good ideas before you find one to take to market? That’s what P&G reports and they’re one of the earliest adopters. Incidentally, a side-benefit of benchmarking is that you build relationships with other companies, making it possible to talk with them also about doing Open Innovation together.

As I always say, people support that which they help create so build support for Open Innovation by involving stakeholders in the process. For instance, promote some of your best R&D people to be Technology Brokers. You may need to give them some training in business skills such as negotiation, but their clout with the R&D people helps smooth the transition to Open Innovation.

Another way of involving R&D people is to have them participate in the technology scouting, prioritization, and vetting processes. Engineers identify problems with technology very well so try giving them a hundred leads and asking which ones are the charlatans. The ones they don’t consider charlatans aren’t necessarily gems either, but this method of prioritization seems to be easier than asking R&D which lead is best, and, like I said, it involves them in the process.

Also, the Chief Innovation Officer should monitor his or staff to make sure they’re not harping on R&D people about a “Not Invented Here” culture. I believe that NIH is a problem that stems from lack of communication between management and R&D. R&D people don’t like to reinvent the wheel; they know that great people stand on the shoulders of giants (Einstein, et al). A CIO can not only monitor the Open Innovation unit’s staff but also train R&D people to insist that Technology Brokers search harder, faster, and more broadly to find qualified leads. R&D people are good at critiquing technology and the issues they raise should be embraced and dealt with, not dismissed as NIH culture.

Show that you value your R&D staff’s contributions to Open Innovation. Try to schedule meetings at times convenient for them. Bring cookies to the Technology Scouting lead-prioritization meetings, because typically R&D would rather be inventing something new than evaluating someone else’s inventions. Generally less resistance comes with Technology Marketing processes due to the personal satisfaction an inventor gets from finding new sources of value in their invention. But bring cookies to all meetings with R&D for good measure. ;-)

I'll mention again, in the spirit of being open, all of these ideas are open for discussion, so please share your thoughts!


Blogger 1234 said...


1/05/2020 3:16 PM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...


4/09/2020 12:45 PM  
Blogger 1234 said...

頭,趕緊尋找其他出路,再也不要對酒店心存幻想!!】」~~#文章結束。10.「酒店經紀」跟「傳播公司」有什不同? 「酒店經紀」與「傳播公司」【相同處】:陪客人唱歌喝酒,即所謂桌面服務。「酒店經紀」與「傳播公司」【不同處】:「經紀」有固定上班點,「傳播」以客人指定場酒店花名所為主。「傳播」是【跑點】(有case再過去),時間非常彈性,因地點是客人指定,如好樂迪KTV、釣蝦場等,聚會場所大多是不相識的人。到定點時,由妳自己先向客人收鐘點費,酒類來源也較不明。「傳播公司」相對客人與公關比較沒有約束力。「酒店」是固定店面上班,客人在幹部過濾後,才有辦法入店消費。加上酒店內有幹部、行政、少爺和姐妹們,在多雙眼睛盯著,客人不會太誇張。包廂外都有專人巡包,安全性較高。且各酒店的店風會很明確,若不符合客人期待,自然會打退堂鼓。客人買單是透過會計結帳,妳不會酒店文化經手任何金錢。【傳播工作環境】:1.上班時間很彈性,想工作時再報班,待命的時間通常為下午6點~隔天早上6點!2.需要到傳播公司(辦公室)報到,在現場等待客人來電,班】。【建議一周上3~4天班最佳!】即使完全沒經驗的新人,在入行1~2個月後,建議可穩定報3~4天班(可隔週輪替)。原因如下:低於此上班天數,相對收入變少,無法減輕經濟壓力。多少要喝酒,加上日夜顛倒,體力上無法負荷太多。天數太少,會讓幹部或熟客找不到妳,因而影響節數高低。畢竟是服務業,多少會接收到客人的負面能量,因此適當的休息是必要的(真心體會!)。休息時間可以陪伴家人,或學習第2專長,盡可能填補進入酒店工作的得失。 常見到剛入行或個性急的公關,會連上5~6天班,其實這都只是「借明天的時間與身體」,往往這周上六天,下週身體狀況撐不住就休一週,相對酒店收入並沒有提高,反而身體搞壞、且充滿負面情緒。 「細水長流」才是在酒店兼差穩定增加收入的最佳方式,而我們比照20年來的大數據,也是如此。若是真的急須用錢與身體狀況許可,是可以和店家協調「加班」(在沒有欠班下,如坐完1桌就下班等),在八大潛規則只要【事前】協調酒店工作時間都可以談,因為「制度是僵固的,人是靈活的!」13.午場的時段和限制,以及優缺點為何!? 會選擇上午場的姐妹們,許多是為了照顧小孩或避開家人、男友的疑慮。店家開設午場原因: 分攤晚場的營運成本(如房租和水電費用) 避免客人和業績幹部的流動(客人會因故提早消費,怕流失到其他店的午場)因此午場可以說是附屬,各店還是以晚場為經營主力。為何午場的生意只是晚場的2~3成呢?! 一般商務客於5點下班,7~8點用完晚餐,大約9點到店內消費(這是最單純的消費客層) 下午的客人,可以說相對特別(就如同妳不會凌晨2點去超市買菜一樣... 就是怪!!)所以午場的生意量較少(收入也可能是晚場的2~3成)。一般午場的時段為何? 下午3~9或4~10或5~11(最少要上6小時)註: 必須把最後一桌坐完(例如客人7點進場消然很重要,但請多一點理性、多一點考慮,畢竟女人的青春有限啊!」最後把妳的需求告訴酒店經紀人

4/27/2020 8:20 PM  

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