Friday, April 17, 2009

Seeking a Software Sales Executive - Federal

I could use your help finding great candidates for our opening for a Software Sales Executive - Federal at NetBase. Please feel free to forward this.

Software Sales Executive - Federal
Location: Washington, DC

If you ever wanted to take part in how the world’s leading companies and governments leverage various forms of content and next generation search technologies, let NetBase give you the inside track to this dynamic sales career.

NetBase delivers Content Intelligence solutions that harness value and insight from any source including the Internet, premium purchased content, and your own enterprise content. NetBase delivers value by "reading" every sentence inside each available document, linguistically understanding that content, comparing that content to "uniquely deliver" relevant answers and insights that you can use to take action. NetBase is being deployed by organizations that are recognized as global leaders in healthcare, publishing, manufacturing, consumer packaged goods and government such as Elsevier, Procter & Gamble, 3M, The U.S. Army, Pepsi and many more. For more information on how you can use the power and insight of Netbase, visit

NetBase seeks an experienced Sales Executive/Hunter to drive client acquisition in the Federal Government segment. This role is 100% focused on acquiring new clients and driving new business.

The ideal candidate is a bright, ambitious, responsible, hard-working individual with a proven track record selling complex products to senior level government officials, particularly in the Armed Forces community.

This position offers opportunities for significant compensation as well as potential career growth in sales, and sales management. It also features the benefits of working for a startup company, including rapid change, a fast paced team-work environment, and stock options.

US work authorization required.

- Proven track record selling complex solutions to the Federal Government and Armed Forces, in and exceeding sales targets
- Passion for sales, exceeding sales goals, and adding value for clients
- Ability to rapidly drive sales from cold call to close
- Aspires to the highest level of integrity
- Undergraduate degree (Engineering degree a plus)
- Outstanding communication, leadership, and teamwork skills
- Ability to adapt to rapid change
- Resourceful, flexible, and aggressive about learning new things
- Track record of meeting deadlines
- Skills with computer tools and office automation tools
- Knowledge of Miller Hieman sales methodologies a plus
- MBA a plus

Location: Washington, DC
Percentage travel: 60% Travel

Authorization to work in the US required.

To apply: Please submit a resume and cover letter via email to with the subject of "Software Sales Executive - Federal".


Blogger 梁爵 said...


4/30/2020 9:30 PM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...

2020.06.19酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容今年4月國內出現首例酒店女公關確診武漢肺炎,為防堵疫情,中央流行疫情指揮中心宣布,自4月9日起,全國酒店、舞廳停止營業,直到5月中疫情趨緩,各縣市才陸續解除禁令,但在我在酒店上班的日子八大行業歇業期間不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因,淋病感染卻意外激增,5月底確診數竟比過去3年同期平均數上升逾8成,醫師推測酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金,這與性交易轉往地下化有關。根據疾病管制署酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?傳染病統計資料,性傳染病中淋病感染者近期顯著上升,比較2017、2018、2019與今年1月到6月初數據職場須知 【酒店PT 】,發現2017年在這段時間累計有2166例,2018年同期則有1903例,2019年同期為1875人確診,但2020年同期則有2574人確診,比前3年都高。再細看國內八大行業禁令與淋病成長趨勢,可發現淋病確診在八大行業4月9日喊卡當周有109例,到了5月第2周升高至135例,接下來有些微下降,但到5月最後1周又飆到142例,創下今年單周最高紀錄,和前3年同期平均數相較,更足足暴漲86.6%,且到了下一周、即6月第一周,仍有133 例,顯示疫情仍在高峰。至於同樣是性病的梅毒,確診個案則未明顯增加。針對八大行業禁令與淋病感染增加的關係,林口長庚醫院男性學及婦女泌尿科主任陳煜說,應與消費生態與客群產生變化有關,因酒店的消費較高,帶出場的門檻也高,但酒店歇業後,小姐還是要生活,只好轉入地下,進行性交易的頻率可能提高,才導致淋病增加。陳煜解釋,過去有研究發現,私下進行性交易的客群,以中下層、低消費的族群較多,而這些人使用保險套的情形也較不普遍,發生性病的風險偏高。淋病感染激增,梅毒疫情卻沒有擴大,對此陳煜認為,染淋症狀明顯,常有尿道灼熱感,且性器會流出黃綠色濃液,而梅毒感染初期可能僅有輕微的皰疹,較不容易發現,所以才有兩種性病趨勢大不同的特殊現象。疾管署副署長莊人祥說,近期確實發現淋病確診明顯增加,從年齡層分析,以20歲到29歲增幅最大,比去年1月至5月增逾300例;30歲到39歲也增約百例,且男多於女,增加個案以六都為主;至於與八大行業禁令的關係,他則說,詳細原因仍待疾管署進行相關調查。

6/18/2020 9:47 PM  

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