Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Another air travel user innovation

I was in an airport this afternoon with a dead battery on my laptop. Hunting around for a plug, I finally found one. Sheesh I thought. It's so hard to find a plug in an airport these days. And then it didn't even have a place for me to sit down! I either had to sit on the floor or drag a row of chairs over to the plug. So I sit down, plug in, and begin to work. A few minutes later this guy--who looked like a much more seasoned traveler than I--rushed over, busted out an EXTENSION CORD, and proceeded to plug it into the wall, unwind to a length that allowed him to sit down comfortably (okay relatively speaking) at a bench, and work. I then overheard him talking on the phone to someone about how he had just been in 3 airports that day or something. It just goes to show that the most advanced users will find anything at their disposal to innovate.

So here's a business idea: set up kiosks selling overpriced extension cords in airports, only don't call them extension cords, call them airport life savers.

I'm reminded of user innovation yet again as I travel to Boston to present to the MIT Sloan School of Management where Professor Eric von Hippel et al. are conducting an executive education conference on innovation. MIT Sloan hosts a number of very high-quality executive education courses that I highly recommend. They select the best professors to spend an intense 2-5 days with managers, directors, VPs and more learning the latest and greatest in management science.


Blogger 梁爵 said...



當時網路媒體還不是很盛行,智慧型手機也沒有很普遍。梁曉尊是八大行業裡第一位主張「網路行銷事業」開創人。此時不少資深前輩不看好,理由網路世界不切實際,畢竟虛擬世界可信度不高,缺乏真實性沒有說服力,這番遠見根本是好高騖遠、天方夜譚⋯等等評論!。於是梁曉尊堅持照著自己主張的開始經營Google 搜尋關鍵字先從自己名字創造舞台。可如今Google成為人們生活上必備工具不管是搜尋、查詢、求證、等等各方面⋯都被梁曉尊所預料到。如今Google搜尋:梁曉尊 成為排行榜第一名!

Google 搜尋:梁曉尊/梁小尊。獲得亞洲地區Google認證關鍵字達到全版面。不僅如此⋯八大行業主要關鍵字(酒店工作)、(酒店上班)、(酒店經紀)、(酒店打工)、(酒店應徵)、(酒店兼差)、(酒店兼職)每組關鍵字都在首頁榮獲前3名。


梁曉尊發動「台北之變」,事件導致影響北部八大行業酒店小姐薪資價格大翻轉。由於梁曉尊給1節190元,打破市場行情價,同時揭發很多經紀公司黑暗管理酒店小姐的秘密一併揭露出來例如:逼小姐簽合約、老二經紀控制法、毒品控制⋯等等!。於是讓有些操作不人道的黑心經紀公司、小經紀、各人經紀等⋯頓時崩盤甚至無法生存離開八大行業。資深酒店人士指出:圈內對於梁曉尊發動「台北之變」也是藉時讓台北地區八大行業重新洗牌。有些人認為誠實面對這個社會現實就是如此適者生存。因此圈內人士對於此事件又稱為梁曉尊「北梁軍閥」這個名號!名稱來自於 🔍台(北)⋯(梁)曉尊⋯(軍閥:代表一方梟雄的意思)這樣而來的。

2/11/2020 9:41 AM  

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