Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Open Innovation Blueprint: Commandment 2

This continues my on-going blog on mapping out a blueprint for implementing Open Innovation. The first entry in this series talked about the framework I am using to analyze this question, the Ten Commandments of Change Management. Open Innovation is a big change, and therefore requires a change management program. In today's blog, I'll cover the second element of the framework:

2. Create a shared vision and common direction

Have executives in your organization share the news about the Open Innovation trend with their employees in speeches, water-cooler chats, and 1-on-1 meetings. Buy copies of Chesbrough’s book and pass them around the building. Help everyone understand the primary drivers of this trend and why it’s relevant to your business.

Open Innovation consists of two parts: in-bound and out-bound technology transfer. Personally I think two goods names for these processes are Technology Scouting and Technology Marketing, but the field hasn’t converged on official names yet. What do your people think of these names? Invite them to shape this economic revolution and talk about the benefits of each:
  • Technology Scouting provides faster time to market and can block a competitor from accessing a vital new invention available from another open innovator. P&G estimates they have effectively increased the size of their research pool to a million inventors by looking to the outside world (Buckley, 2005) and they currently source 35% of their ideas externally.
  • Technology Marketing allows you to create new streams of revenue through IP licensing. IBM received $1.9 billion from IP royalty payments in 2001. (Thinksmart Blog) That was a fifth of their revenue!

Paint a picture for your organization depicting a future where technology flows effortlessly in and out of your company leading to a global acceleration in innovation. It’s all about getting products that solve important problems to market more quickly by making use of the wheels already invented by others. This new paradigm will improve quality of life for all consumers. Make sure the image of out-sourced R&D doesn’t figure in your imagery though—the world doesn’t need fewer inventions, it needs more! Open Innovation just helps inventions get to the place where they’re needed most.

I'll mention again, in the spirit of being open, all of these ideas are open for discussion, so please share your thoughts!


Blogger 梁爵 said...

2020.05.15酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容新冠肺炎疫情逐漸緩和,我在酒店上班的日子八大行業停業超過1個月,酒店舞廳都盼能盡快酒店小姐一定有S?復業,台北市議員林瑞圖15日召開記者會 八大行業是哪八種行業呢?替特殊娛樂工會發聲,盼北市府能讓八大行業恢復營業,北市特殊職場須知 【酒店PT 】娛樂工會副理事長胡繼堯表示,如因疫情關係要實名制,也不是問題,重點是停業一天,對從業人員而言就是酒店打工「零」收入。日前因確診個案379從事八大行業,為避免疫情擴大,中央宣布酒店舞廳一律停業,不過近期疫情和緩,八大業者盼中央能盡快恢復營業,林瑞圖指出,八大行業停業連帶影響許多行業,像是美甲、美髮或計程車業等,而這些人也要維持家計,停業一個月等於收入就停擺,也沒有任何紓困補助。林還說,北市府原本宣布預計5月25日會讓八大復業,中央也沒有意見,但大家長是柯文哲,如市長不答應,也不能開放。胡繼堯說,來到現場的業者都是合法繳稅的酒店,其實很多酒店還是關起門來營業,這也是防疫破口,倒不如採實名制開放營業,工會也會介入輔導執行防疫工作。針對25日如北市府仍不願開放酒店復業,胡表示,一切會配合政府的政策,議員也會持續跟市長協調。在八大行業上班年約30歲的Angel指出,會從事八大行業一定是家裡有困難,不然誰想做八大,但現在停業連房租都繳不出來;在酒店擔任領班的JOJO也說,原本每月都有規畫收入花費,停業後就等於完全沒收入,找家庭代工來做也找不到。

5/15/2020 1:30 AM  

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