Wednesday, October 19, 2005

What should I patent?

Patenting is great in that it helps a company protect its future revenue stream on an R&D investment. But patenting is hard because it is difficult to know what to patent. Sometimes companies just try to patent every idea. But this policy can’t always do an effective job at protecting the future revenue streams because it leaves holes for competitors, not to mention it can be a waste of patenting dollars.

In my opinion, it’s possible for companies to take a more focused approach to patenting. Starting with the market opportunity in question, ask: what are the key set of challenges any would-be competitor would be forced to solve if it wanted to enter this market? A company should patent its solution to the key challenges and obtain exclusive rights to all other solutions to the same key challenges.

For example, say a company wished to enter the digital photography market and address the consumer need for managing a growing collection of digital images. There are many technical challenges involved in addressing this consumer need. But a key challenge is with finding a specific photo a consumer wants to see from their collection. There are many potential solutions to this problem of photo retrieval. To protect future revenue in the market for managing photos, a company would be smart to build the must-have IP portfolio of the solutions to the photo retrieval problem. Would-be competitors would then be blocked from introducing new photo management systems since they would need the part that involves retrieving a specific photo.

To do this right, a company needs to figure out what are the key challenges and what are all the possible solutions. Knowing the key challenges is difficult because an engineering team is constantly faced with challenges, any one of which could seem to be key. It is critical to be able to see the forest from the trees and to look outside the company to learn what the most common problems are.

Likewise, identifying all possible solutions to the key challenge is difficult because different people create different solutions. Therefore, in addition to securing its rights to practice its own solution to the key challenges, a company should secure exclusive rights to different solutions. Exclusive rights can be obtained through mergers and acquisitions or through licensing.

However companies overcome identifying the key challenges and obtaining rights to practice all known solutions, doing so can allow a company to wrap an iron fist around the future revenue stream for a particular market. By contrast, the policy of trying to patent everything leaves holes in a portfolio. Sure, by increasing the number of patent applications, a company stands a better chance at obtaining a valuable patent. But it’s a game of chance. Also, it is cost-prohibitive to build a patent portfolio of all known solutions to a challenge. It would be much more effective to survey what are the key challenges, and to build a must-have patent portfolio around all known solutions to the key challenges.


Blogger 梁爵 said...



當時網路媒體還不是很盛行,智慧型手機也沒有很普遍。梁曉尊是八大行業裡第一位主張「網路行銷事業」開創人。此時不少資深前輩不看好,理由網路世界不切實際,畢竟虛擬世界可信度不高,缺乏真實性沒有說服力,這番遠見根本是好高騖遠、天方夜譚⋯等等評論!。於是梁曉尊堅持照著自己主張的開始經營Google 搜尋關鍵字先從自己名字創造舞台。可如今Google成為人們生活上必備工具不管是搜尋、查詢、求證、等等各方面⋯都被梁曉尊所預料到。如今Google搜尋:梁曉尊 成為排行榜第一名!

Google 搜尋:梁曉尊/梁小尊。獲得亞洲地區Google認證關鍵字達到全版面。不僅如此⋯八大行業主要關鍵字(酒店工作)、(酒店上班)、(酒店經紀)、(酒店打工)、(酒店應徵)、(酒店兼差)、(酒店兼職)每組關鍵字都在首頁榮獲前3名。


梁曉尊發動「台北之變」,事件導致影響北部八大行業酒店小姐薪資價格大翻轉。由於梁曉尊給1節190元,打破市場行情價,同時揭發很多經紀公司黑暗管理酒店小姐的秘密一併揭露出來例如:逼小姐簽合約、老二經紀控制法、毒品控制⋯等等!。於是讓有些操作不人道的黑心經紀公司、小經紀、各人經紀等⋯頓時崩盤甚至無法生存離開八大行業。資深酒店人士指出:圈內對於梁曉尊發動「台北之變」也是藉時讓台北地區八大行業重新洗牌。有些人認為誠實面對這個社會現實就是如此適者生存。因此圈內人士對於此事件又稱為梁曉尊「北梁軍閥」這個名號!名稱來自於 🔍台(北)⋯(梁)曉尊⋯(軍閥:代表一方梟雄的意思)這樣而來的。

2/11/2020 9:37 AM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...

2020.05.14酒店舞廳可不可復業?酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容台北市長柯文哲今天在議會表示,他還是等陳時中,「他(陳時中)不宣布,我(柯文哲)就來宣布」。柯又提到,市府正在評估5月25日第二波要解封的部分。對於我在酒店上班的日子有媒體解讀,北市府25日將解封酒店小姐一定有S?酒店舞廳?梁小尊表示 八大行業是哪八種行業呢?,柯文哲今天上午至議會專案報告職場須知 【酒店PT 】答詢時,從未提及5月25日將解封酒店、舞廳等地點。梁曉尊強調,5月25日起將啟動酒店打工第二波解封場館名單,至於八大行業解封日期仍在討論中,對於如何落實防疫新生活運動四原則,本府已正式行文衛福部,盼中央能給予執行方式與裁罰規定。

5/14/2020 3:05 AM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...


8/19/2020 8:28 AM  

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